Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pursuing Him

     So, a few days ago in church, I had a random and extremely far-fetched idea.  Why not make a blog, talking about  the pursuit and how to pursue Jesus like we should.  Once we become Christians (whether from birth or born-again) we think that after a while we know everything about all matters of Christianity.  But we never really focus on how incredibly much there is that we don't know.  We just give up, falling back into our sports lives or doing whatever we think is more important, building up our old idols.  For me, I have issues with setting aside time to focus on God (whether writing in my prayer journal or doing the Bible-in-a-Year thing Susie put out) .  What we don't recognize is that we need to continue pursuing him and trying to learn more about him.  When Jesus was at the temple (Luke 2:41-52), his parents spent THREE DAYS looking for him.  Now, of course part of that was because he was their child,  but it sets a good example for us.
     When I was eight (I think...) my parents made a bargain with me: if I read and memorized the whole Shorter Chatechism, they would buy me an American Girl doll when we went to Chicago.  Now instead of focusing on how great it would be to memorize all of the Shorter Chatechism like I should have (a skill I wish I now had), I instead focused on how I couldn't wait to get the doll.  Now I know this is a really bad example, but PLEASE work with me!  I guess that my point is that instead of just focusing on the perks of Christianity (mainly heaven!), we should focus on our relationship with Christ, learning more about him.
     Another thing is that we should be in awe of Christ.  If you are doing any kind of daily Bible reading, I am doing a program that skips around.  A few nights ago, the passage was Psalms 1-3.  When I read Psalms 2, I was really struck with how, although God is vengeful, we often just soften him up.  Read this below!  It is Psalms 2:4-6.
          "He who sits in the heavens laughs;
            the Lord holds them in derision.
            Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
            and terrify them in his fury, saying,
           'As for me, I have set my King
           on Zion, my holy hill.'"
      We water God down, or at least I do.  In my mind, God is the one who makes beautiful sunsets, paints flowers the beautiful way that they are, and makes snow and icicles look so scenic.  Never do I think of him as someone wrathful or terrifying!  Though God does have the beautiful artist side of him, he is also so much more, and I hope that I remember that.
     God will fight for you when you are in need, and he can do so much more than heal someone that is sick.

So this concludes my first blog entry.... YAY FOR ME!  I have a busy schedule (haha I wish) so please don't freak out if I don't exactly write every day, or week, or whatever.  I hope you actually got something out of this and weren't falling asleep.  

1 comment:

  1. I would never fall asleep reading your posts. Never. They are fabulous. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
